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Ming-Feng Ho

LCTP Fellow for Astrophysics/Cosmology


You can find my publications on Research Gate or Google Scholar.


I put all of my codes on my github.

Gaussian process code for finding DLAs in SDSS DR16 [Github repo]
This is an improved version of the Ho2020 code. Paper can be found here [arXiv: 2103.10964 [astro-ph.GA]].
Gaussian process code for detecting multi-DLAs [Github repo]
This is a modified version of the GP-DLA code from Garnett (2017) [arXiv:1605.04460 [astro-ph.CO]]. It includes sub-DLAs as an alternative model and allows the GP mean model changed according to the effective optical depth from the intergalactic medium. It generates a DLA catalogue with maximum DLA per sightline equal to four.
Gaussian process code for detecting DLAs, in Python! [Github repo]
This is the Python version of our GP-DLA code, which I rewrote it based on our Ho-Bird-Garnett 2020 paper. It also offers features for: (1) Quasar redshift estimation; (2) MCMC implementation on searching the DLA parameters (now in mcmc branch, comments are welcome).
Automated quasar redshift estimation [Github repo]
This code is an extension of Garnett (2017) and Ho (2020). Instead of finding DLAs, this code can build a posterior density of a given quasar spectroscopic observation and infer the quasar redshift.
QSOLoader for manipulating DLA catalogue [Github repo]
A python class to manipulate the DLA catalogue generated by multi-DLA GP code [Github repo]. It also provides some simple loading function to plot results of other catalogues, e.g., the CNN catalogue from Parks (2018) [Parks' repo].
One-dimensional CNN on Healpix grids [Github repo]
A simple code to implement a CNN on spherical images using the trick of hierarchical structure of Healpix. I did it for fun but could be useful for other people.
Digital humanity: Han-ji fetcher [Github repo]
The code I wrote when I was working with Zeb Raft. The code was written to reflect a concept of converting a historical book into a digital version, and we chose to manipulate this digital version with a Python class.

“To the Bayesian all things are Bayesian.”

- Good Thinking: The Foundations of Probability and Its Applications.